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Alejandro Dabdoub Smutny is a Mexican investor, businessman and writer born in Mexico City in 1972.


He has always enjoyed photography as an art, but his passion is for business, dealing with people, networking and creating new ventures.


Alejandro finished business administration at the University of New Orleans, took the real estate development program at Harvard executive education, completed an AD2 program at the IPADE Business School in Mexico City and studied infrastructure finance at the London Business School.


He started learning about corporate management in his grandfather’s business, which his father sold. Since then, Alejandro has become an entrepreneur who builds restaurants—one of which is listed in the top 10 best restaurants in Mexico City. Given that the restaurant just mentioned had great wine sales, he became a wine distributor and eventually opened a number of retail shops.


His main line of entrepreneurship, however, has always been in the development and construction of retail buildings and apartments. Alejandro began this line of business in 2001, where he developed his first shopping strip in Houston Texas and also started investing in apartment buildings with one of the most prestigious groups in the country. Since then, he has become (on invitation) a partner of the group and has participated in building a fund for international investors so they can invest in real estate in the United States.

Alejandro is also a partner in a real estate group in Mexico that develops high end condominiums as well as mixed use retail buildings. The group also developed a fund to integrate different construction companies in different states, allowing for the diversification of portfolios for its investors.


Thanks to his studies and contacts, Alejandro has achieved a wide business portfolio. His background of almost 20 years as an investor and businessman in the United States has allowed him to obtain permanent residence in this country, both for himself and for his family.

Alejandro Dabdoub Smutny is an acquaintance who epitomizes the phrase international investor. Alejandro wants to share his knowledge with foreign clients who want to achieve their dreams by investing in the United States, just as he did.


In his book Winning: The Art of Becoming an American Investor, Alejandro shows the keys to how to invest in the United States as a foreigner, how to get the best out of your money by making investments wisely, and the importance of planning and having in advance all the necessary information on investment opportunities, regulatory frameworks, legal figures for issues such as immigration status, business structures, tax schemes and estate planning.


Above all, this book is valuable because it allows any investor to consider whether he is really ready to invest and whether his analysis will lead him on the right path to winning.


Art and Sports


On the artistic side, Alejandro has published two books of photography and was the producer of four different movies, one of which was invited to the Cannes festival and won a prize at the Paris film festival. He is also part of a foundation that purchases art and lends it to museums around the world.


Alejandro collaborated with one of his partners to bring the sport of drifting to Mexico. This happened in 2008 and was the first drifting competition in Mexico. Today, he and his partner are building a drifting academy in Houston Texas, so they can eventually bring this kind of racing to that state.

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